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Drug addicts, prostitution and lately... - Omonia Square

Prostitutes Aigaleo

Aigaleo, Attica, Greece Latitude:, Longitude: 699.26553380

Aigáleo (Aegaleo, Αιγάλεω, Αιγάλεω, Αιγάλεω, Aigaleo, Aegaleo, Aegaleo)

Timezone Europe/Athens

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Omonia Square: Drug addicts, prostitution and lately Greek Fascists - See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Athens, Greece. neoclassical houses in the Aigaleo district, the foul apartments on Filis Street, who arrive for the first time in this pigsty have never done prostitution before;. Metaxourgeio in the 50s and 60s constituted a vivid cross section of urban life: Athenian middle class society rubbed shoulders with prostitution, small-time mafia.
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Byzantine and Christian Museum. Ancient Greece. South Athens :. The large City Centre of the Greek capital falls directly within the municipality of Prostitutes Aigaleo, which is the largest in population size in Greece. Prostitutes Aigaleo building that you played in is gone, but the one where your father met his mistresses is still there.

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